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Want To Win More High-Dollar Sales Deals And Consistently Beat Your Sales Quota?
Then read the powerful book, Never Lose The Deal to discover:
- Why large sales contract deals succeed or fail
- How to put yourself in the “catbird seat” in any negotiation
- The IMPORTANT questions you must ask to briskly close the deal
- What “internal myopia” is and why it can have crippling effects
- Why the devil isn’t just in the details, but in the “right” details
- What you need to do right now to increase your win rate

Yes, this free ebook will transform your sales
Are you a senior executive responsible for high-dollar sales contract negotiations? Are you plagued by the fear of getting an unfavorable deal for your company? Is the thought of losing a deal to your competition constantly gnawing at you? Do you often feel powerless to overcome constraints coming from your customer and within your own company?
If this strikes a chord with you, you’re not alone.
Contrary to popular opinion, many large sales contracts are lost because of something known as “internal myopia”.
External factors, though critical to the deal, can often be overshadowed by senior management getting hung up on what’s best for them. Their inability to truly understand the client’s point of view, failure to have the right people engaged, and their “all you know is what you know” mentality, often results in millions in lost business.
In Never Lose The Deal, Ganesh reveals 10 critical strategies senior executives responsible for large sales contracts need to know to not risk losing their next deal. He points out how getting caught up in your company’s own agenda could cause you to lose perspective and, quite possibly, the deal itself.
If you are a major stakeholder in high-dollar sales contract negotiations and you don’t have a 360-degree view of the deal, you are at risk of getting an unfavorable deal for your company. You may even be at risk of losing the deal to your nearest competitor. In this book, you will learn how to engage multiple decision-makers in your customer organization to close the deal confidently.

Ganesh Tayi
Speaker and CEO of Never Lose The Deal
Ganesh is a trusted advisor to companies who want to close more high dollar sales contracts. For more than a decade, he has been personally involved with deals of all levels of depth and difficulty.
Having worked with major organizations with large-scale contracts that were their “bread and butter”, Ganesh has seen deals that were successful with the highest margins and market share, as well as deals that were lost due to factors that senior executives had trouble grappling with.
Today, Ganesh works with sales executives and organizations who feel the intense pressures of sales contract negotiations in today’s challenging competitive climate. He offers them a fresh perspective and field-worthy practices on how to successfully navigate through turbulent waters.
Let Ganesh guide you toward successful sales contract negotiations and ensure that you never lose the deal again.
A personal note from Ganesh…
I have personally worked on deals on all spectrums of complexity, to one of my largest being worth over $2.5 billion. Through all of those years and lessons, I have developed a passion to give back to the business world the insights I have learned and the issues I have identified that must be overcome to ensure you never lose a deal again.
The critical strategies I provide in this book are based on my own experience negotiating deals and from years of studying sales executives at the top of their game.
I have seen many deals collapse because the sales executive negotiating the deal felt trapped between the client and their own company’s internal expectations.
Get ready, because in this book I will show you how to create a robust business model so you can negotiate every deal briskly, with no bottlenecks.
In the book Never Lose The Deal, Ganesh distills his decade-plus experience negotiating complex deals into 10 key strategies that are essential to not risk losing the deal. Any senior executive responsible for negotiating multi-million dollar deals must make it a priority to read this book and implement these strategies to Never Lose The Deal.
For advice on closing multi-million dollar deals, I would look no further than Ganesh Tayi – his knowledge and experience are invaluable in closing all sales contracts.
Ganesh takes a strategic and analytical approach with every deal to negotiate a win-win outcome for all parties involved.
I highly recommend Ganesh for advice on closing multi-million dollar deals as he is very skilled and knowledgeable in consistently closing large sales contracts.